Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Guten Tag, My Bitches!

Once, a long time ago, but in this galaxy, I knew this girl. Wait, the story gets better. In this same galaxy, I wrote an e-mail, and included this girl on the "To:" list. This same e-mail included a salutation that went something...like...this, "My bitches!" This e-mail went out to all sorts of friends of mine, male and female. This girl responded with a sternly worded e-mail explicitly informing me that she was, in fact, "a lady." I laughed. I then informed her, via e-mail, it was fortunate that she had majored in marketing because she was astonishingly uncreative. "I’m a lady." (Who the fuck says that in this day and age? Well, I do, but only when it's convenient.) Then in a wave of utmost maturity, I put on a pair of my cleanest panties and blocked her screen name/e-mail address. Thanks, AOL!

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