Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super-Duper Tuesday (Wednesday)!

Yes. I did not vote yesterday because I forgot to register in my new city of choice and inhabitance, Somerville. Have no fear, my teenage satanic time bombs: I shall register before the presidential erection election this fall. I have voted in every presidential and gubernatorial (GOOBER!) election since I came of voting age in 1991. The first person I ever voted for was Jerry Brown in the 1992 Democratic primary. Basically, I voted for him because everyone thought he was nuts. That fall, I voted for Bill Clinton for president and for my friend Geoff Breton for light commissioner in our town. No one was running for that office, so I wrote in Geoff's name. Anyway, he is really good at determining if a street light is on or not. "It is dark over here."

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