OK, last night on this HBO show called The Sopranos, the character Phil Leotardo, played by the actor Frank Vincent, is "wiggity wiggity whacked," as the kids like to say, at a gas station, standing just outside the SUV driven by his wife. In the back seat sit two of his grandchildren, who happen to be infants, speaking some strange baby language.
After Phil is shot, his body drops to the ground, and his wife screams and runs out of the SUV while the transmission is in still in Drive. The SUV starts to roll forward, and the rear passenger-side tire rolls right over Phil's freshly dead head. POP! The scene is so graphic that a young man baring witness to Phil's demise vomits profusely. That, or the kid ate one of those microwave burritos sold at gas stations. The grandchildren continue to giggle with glee and roll all the way to that night’s Tony Awards.
So, what I learned from last night's episode is that the scenario of a man’s head being run over by a truck "driven" by babies is really funny to me.
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