Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer Fun

During the summer of 1992, after a successful first year at college, my friend Brett and I drove to our friend Erik’s house to see if he wanted to join us on our adventures, which usually consisted of driving Brett’s old Ford Ranger on power line trails to see where we would end up. Yes, indeed. Erik’s family (a horde of Vikings) lived on a rural road, deep in the woods, like mountain men. Or Vikings. Side Note: Erik's mother was from Norway. Their large and rustic-looking house was at the top of a steep hill, and as we were coming up the driveway, we noticed that the front door was open, wide open. We parked the truck and walked to the door to see if anyone was home, response. We went inside, and determined that yes there was no one home, and yes, Erik’s family had not been murdered—at least not on the property. We could not find any sign of…foul play...

For some reason, which I can’t quite remember, Brett came up with the idea that we should go to the supermarket and purchase a cake to leave on the kitchen counter. I added that we should also buy a tube of decorative frosting and write a message on the cake. I suggested the following in pretty, teal-colored frosting and a florid script: "Lock the door, assholes!"

We laughed and laughed.

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